a wReally cool geezer trying to get the beast out of hair-guitarists woild be a goo begin..to star wiz.

A..n aroundabouta year before the take-away of Bilbo Cardboard Shards or fummin via Movin' Picures a very fresh, say, friend –at those Sturm und Drang (storm n' urge) moments had too many suddenly. Anyway, too exciting times also– ..was made aware of that Triumvirat, so fancy: we had the compl back catalog to discover. Naught 4 weak nerves..

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hear?..is a decent cover of Rush Hour, say:


Sirius Lee, brightest star from Orion might say, "Hey; this is out of the very world.


uMay jump 4wertz ey mijNute sixty seconds. They b3gin a magic mystery tour on 88 grand piano quays around Betelgeuze or summin. To st4r' wiz."


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