write about the news! Peppers? give silly sergeants the adamant heart of clubs at chea'in'. Apropos soda on sofa, couching under the carpet: how third-eye circumspect of you to wrap duvets also around those dregs, dust n' even more silly stuff down under. Speaking of flying rugs: what goes up, must calm down. Old sweepin' broom saying on thin air. Tuesday night presents club for privats then, with Santa Monniker gambling his fake pseudo sole soul off. Fair enuff. ahOYé

"Sheryl met Crowley in Disneyland. Where they were taking the mickeys. Now back to boomerangs of no real turns." Proper Anglais 4 fr33x. And we have a winning wonder what goes to show, case just in. Ish

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Après ski: Large lark tongues in aspic, can-sardines are swinging raw-cats scientists onboard the news-fangled Orion capsule on its tripping swagger to behind Mars bars. Hi Sci Five that. In phirtea sacks... Wreckin' rollerblades.

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Magic Track, "Let's hear what favorite train song Jeff gets first on his wonderous mind."

Dispatcher to Hobo Sapiens, "Could you take over for a bit? I'd like to getting prepared for a mood listening in whwn Jeff got his ticket sorted, say."

Shoo, shoe, bim bum, dinglelang..

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